
Get the Right Fit or Don’t Even Try

We’re not here to mess around when it comes to size. A piece of jewelry that doesn’t fit? Total buzzkill. Here's how to get it right:

1. Know Your Size Before You Buy

  • Don’t guess your size. That’s like ordering shoes without knowing your foot size. Measure your finger or wrist and know what you're working with.
  • Not sure? Go to a jeweler. They’ll get it right, and you won’t end up with a ring that's too tight to breathe or a bracelet sliding down to your elbow.

2. Too Tight? Too Loose? No Thanks.

  • Rings that squeeze? Uncomfortable, un-cool. Bands that fall off at the slightest move? Not your vibe.
  • Make sure it fits snug, but not suffocatingly tight. You want it on but not stuck on.

3. Bracelets & Necklaces: Don’t Drown or Cut Off Circulation

  • Bracelets should sit comfortably. Not so loose they’re rolling up your arm, but not so tight that you can’t breathe.
  • Necklaces should lay where you like them, not choked up to your throat or hanging down to your bellybutton. You decide the vibe.

4. Get the Adjustments You Need

  • If it doesn’t fit perfectly out of the box, we got you. Most jewelry can be sized up or down with a little pro help.
  • Need a quick adjustment? Hit us up. We’ll make it work.

5. Size is Personal

  • Your jewelry, your rules. If you're into chunky and bold, go big or go home. If you like sleek and minimal, keep it tight and trim. Whatever works for you.
  • Don’t let anyone tell you how it should fit. You do you.

6. Don’t Wait Till It’s Too Late

  • If it’s too tight now, it’s only gonna get worse. Get that sizing done before it becomes a pain in the neck (literally).